Tuesdays at 10am: Hybrid - if you're in Bath you can join in person; if you can't make it to the church you can join via Zoom. Click to Join Zoom Meeting: zoom link here
Tuesdays at 2 pm by weekly: Diane’s Bible Study. If you are interested, please call the church office.
Special Lenten Study, Starting February 26th throught March 26th: Sunday morning in the church library starting at 10:15. We will be studying the book “Luke Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws by Adam Hamilton.
Men’s Study Group: Alternating Breakfast and Evening study. Please call the church office if you are interested.
All Children programs fall under our Safe Sanctuaries policy.
When the disciples tried to keep the children away from Jesus, he was quick to respond, “Let the children come to me.” Jesus taught that children were to be included and provided for within the community of faith. Today, the church may be the only place where some children find the unconditional love they so desperately need to grow and thrive. As Christians, we must take our responsibilities to our children very seriously. We fail in our responsibilities if we neglect to take adequate precautions against abuse in our churches. It is unlikely that we can completely prevent child abuse in every situation, but it is possible for us to greatly reduce the risk by following a thorough and practical policy of prevention. This policy is designed to set procedures for the safety of the children of Bath United Methodist Church. Please view our policy and procedures at the links below: